RCMP Role in Helping the FBI
Rather than getting Abdulrahman the help he needed or confronting Abdulrahman’s parents, the RCMP opted to unlawfully give Abdulrahman’s medical records to the FBI and monitor Abdulrahman’s travel from Canada to the United States where he would eventually be arrested.
5 days before Abdulrahman’s arrest in the United States, CAMH confirmed Abdulrahman’s medical records at the urgent request of the RCMP. The reason for the inquiry was as Const. Peter Simmons wrote in the May 2016 memo “The [RCMP] are conducting a high priority national security investigation involving a threat to public safety,” which suggests the RCMP’s knowledge of Abdulrahman’s situation. Rather than getting him the help he needed or confronting Abdulrahman’s parents, the RCMP opted to monitor Abdulrahman’s travel from Canada to the United States where he would eventually be arrested. Contradictory to its previous inquiry about Abdulrahman, the RCMP stated that at no time was the safety or security of the public at risk. A day after his arrest (May 22, 2016), a warrant was issued by the Ontario Court of Justice to authorities on reasonable grounds that a search might lead to evidence, which suggests that the RCMP knew of his plans to travel and was already in the process of requesting a warrant.
The [RCMP] are conducting a high priority national security investigation involving a threat to public safety.” – May 2016 Memo
Abdulrahman’s parents proposed to go on a road trip to New York before their son’s meeting with a Canadian psychologist. RCMP monitored Abdulrahman’s travel from Canada to the United States.
May 21, 2016: Abdulrahman was arrested.
The RCMP issued a statement saying it collaborated with the FBI in the investigation that led to El Bahnasawy’s arrest. The statement also says that at no time was the safety or security of the public at risk. – After Abdulrahman’s arrest
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"What makes this story even more disturbing is that the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) knowingly participated in this sting with the FBI. They unlawfully obtained Abdulrahman’s medical records that described his mental health vulnerabilities and provided them to the FBI to better manipulate this damaged youth.
This raises serious human rights concerns of discriminatory investigations, targeting vulnerable youths such as Abdulrahman, who had no previous history of violence or criminality, until drawn in by a U.S. government actively involved in developing the plot, persuading and pressuring the target to participate."